Seit der Ortolan in Frankreich geschützt ist, gilt dem Sperling das Land wieder als anfliegbar. Dort traf er sich mit Nicolas Bessau, dem Sprecher französichen Piraten Partei.
Q: Hello, how are you? And what are you doing in „real life“?
Nicolas: Hello Sperling,I’m fine! My jobs consists to put in relationship people who want to go on holidays in campsite with owner of campsite.
Q: Please tell me, what is your job in the French Pirates and how do you get it?
Nicolas: I’m spokesman of Pirate Party in France since February 2016 and i’ve been choosen by our National Coordination, with another person, my friend Thomas Watanabe-Vermorel. And together, with other Pirates, we work a lot to be heard in the french political debate. As all Pirates in the world, and like you, our Pirate Friend of Germany!
Sperling: How are the French Pirates organized?
Nicolas: Geographically, we’re organized with Regionals sections. It means each region, equal to the „Länder“ in Germany, has a representation. Each Sections is composed of all members in the Region and choose a Coordinator, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
All Sections have a large autonomy to act concretely and to define his communication. Institutionnaly, we have 3 principals boards.
Firstly, the National Coordination wich is composed with all Regional section Coordinator – the Equivalence of the Legal power.
Secondly, the National Office which is in charge of political „daily life“. I’m member of this Office, we take care about administrative things. And You know my friends, French loves „administrative science“ – that means we have a lot of works. We are the equivalence of executive power, but a very controlled executive power 🙂
Thirdly, The Control Commission, the equivalence of judicial power. It is in charge to control all the intern poll, control of work pad, usw… 🙂
Sperling: How many pirates are on board, can you tell me something about your members?
Nicolas: In majority, we are men, unfortunately! However, since Island Election and emergence of Birgitta Jondsdottir and, as well our Pirate MEP, our Friend Julia Reda, we shows and demonstrate that Pirate are not afraid to give coordination’s lead to women. To resume, with this a example, we observe in France for the last five months that more girls becomes members and it gives us hope!
But, we shall never forget that Pirate movement is global but historically youth, and we have a lot of energy and good ideas but as i’d like to tell „qui va sano,va piano“. In 2009, who could tell that the initiative of Rick Falksvinge, in Sweden, will become what we are today!
After that, another observation is that we are a large majority under 45 and sociologically very reach. But, surely everybody older than 45 are accepted.
Another important things is that a lot of Pirates are very competitive in free software and hardware.
Sperling: What kind of tools do you use for the internal organization of your political work?
Nicolas: We have very different tools.
1. Congressus.
Congressus is a our very important tools for our intern decision process. Every Pirate have an access and is invited to promote programm proposition and be interactive with coordinator or every other Pirate for all things wich talk about intern decision.
2. Personae:
Personae is a tools wich gives possibility to give his power vote by delegation for another Pirate but this delegation is just valid for the concerned decision.
3. Framasoft:
Framasoft ist ein Netzwerk auf der Grundlage einer großen Gemeinschaft an Freiwilligen, aber es könnte nicht existieren ohne von einem Verein unterstützt zu werden. Der Verein ist eine gemeinnützige Vereinigung, die nach den Gesetzen von 1901 als von allgemeinem Interesse eingestuft ist und entsprechenden Steuerlich behandelt wird. Es hat jetzt drei Festangestellte und ca zwanzig aktive Mitglieder.
Framasoft ist ein Volksbildungsnetzwerk, entstanden in der Welt des Bildungswesens, und hauptsächlich der freien Software gewidmet. Es ist in drei Säulen auf kooperativer Basisorganisiert: Werbung, Vertrieb und Entwickluing von freier Software, freie Kultur bereichern und kostenlose Online-Dienste zur Verfügung stellen. Anmerkung des Übersetzers: Framasoft ist auch der Name eines Lobyvereins für Nuklerarenergie. Der Name gehört zu Framatome, die Vorgängerfirma von Areva. Details auf dieser Seite (franz.)
Framasoft is a legal association in France. They have three employees and twenty members. This association is is a popular education network pricipally active in promotion of freeware. They give proposal to have alternative to Google tools like Pad,usw.
Sperling: Which channels you use in social media or the internet for contact with non-pirates?
Nicolas: It was a long debate but we have decided to communicate on Social „Big Brother“ media like Facebook or Twitter. However i can imagine that a lot of Pirates are not on this social media.
And we start to think to be present on Second Life. But it’s a project that we must develope!
Sperling: Can you tell me which positions are the „central ideas“ of the French Pirates? How do you communicate them to your voters?
Nicolas: We could resume them in five points:
We denounced the collusion of economic, political and judicial power in France. It’s time to annihilate the conflit of interest. Then we need to create a real independent justice with the cration of a Supreme Counsel of Justice totally independant of political power.
We also want a total transparency and participation of citizens in politics and for all politicians. This principle find several political applications like Internet Petition or make a national and public „bigdata“ declined in a mutitude of „smal data“. Another example, all the company wich have public subvention must have legal obligation to publish their merges.
With Internet, culture practices have changed. Sharings supports of culture is done by billions of peoples but politicins don’t understand this daily fact.
Then Pirate in France will improve a legal basis to legalize the non commercial share of cultural supports. But it’s time to give the „money power“ to the Artivist! It need in the same time to invent a new social model to finance the artist.
And on this point,I’d like to bring the support of All French Pirate to Julia Reda for the huge job she does in European Parliament.
Since 10 years in France, we observe a proliferation of citizens‘ data-filing by administration and private company. It’s time to scream: STOP!
All this files and data are used by administration to control population and decrease our fundamental rights. What are our citizen guarantee that administration will not use this files in order to cross them to have unconstitutional position. It can’t be!
Practically, we need to interrupt all system of video surveillance, anonymize all public and official paper, and important as well make respect confidentiality of private exchange like mailing.
Pirates have been created in 2006 by our Sweden Friends. Today, Pirates are In European Parliament and have been nominated to invite our Iceland Friends to negotiate with other Parties in order to form a government, some of you in Germany are already elected in municipalities. Wouah! In teen years Pirate have increased like nobody could might imagine ten years ago. Future is Ours!
Then, everywhere you could live in the world and be member of Pirate Party, you share the same values and regret a lack of democracy and equity. And to resume, all French Pirate want to be member of this international action.
Moreover, I’d like to salute Guillaume Saouli and all members of International Party which try to linked all the Pirate across the world.
Sperling: Did the Media report about you? Did they report of the success of the iceland pirates or in the past of the german pirates?
Nicolas: Yes well! French Medias have, in 2016, talk more than ever of Pirate, of course with incredible results of our Iceland friends.
But, French Medias have started to talk about Pirates in 2012, particularly because of you German friends, when in the opinion poll for Bundestag election you were credit of 13%. Since, you’ve learned to developed with local section an built a better organisation. That’s the job we do in France.
Sperling: Is there anything you want to tell us about you, the French Pirates, the universe or the rest of all?
Nicolas: Yes. Continue to exchange with all Pirates in the world and continue to contribute to a better world.
Sperling: Thank you for your time, we hope we hear about you in the coming years!
Redaktionsmitglied Sperling
Redakteur seit 2011, Kernteam der Redaktion seit 2013. De facto "Leitung" ab 2016, irgendwann auch offiziell Chefredakteur - bis 2023. Schreibt und Podcastet nur wenn ihm die Laune danach steht, zahlt aktuell die Infrastruktur der Flaschenpost, muss aber zum Glück nicht haften 🙂